Thursday, January 08, 2009

Currently I'm...

1. debating summer employment.
2. waiting for the laundry to be delivered.
3. mentally drafting tomorrow's class newsletter (I should post one--I think you'd be impressed).
4. looking online for the millionth time at a 950 square ft. apartment with a real "homey" layout and wondering I could stand to move off the block, even if it is only 1/2 mile away.
5. remembering when I thought I'd rush home to make Jason dinner every night (also see #2).


Trenna said...

I love all the thoughts you think at one time. I am so unworthy. My only thought right now is if 9 is too early to go to bed! :)

Ashley C. said...

oh how i wish my laundry was delivered......that sounds delightful. :) miss you guys.

noelle regina said...

currently i'm wishing my sister lived across the street in a 950 sq ft apartment.

HURRY UP AND MOVE- these craigslist ladies are eager to sell!


Rebecca Smylie said...

I bet you couldn't stand to move off the block you're on. I bet you'd hate it. So bad you'd want to puke. You should probably give up all thoughts of moving.

familia Bybaran said...

That's hilarious. If your move was 1/2 a mile more to the north and a little to the east, I would be very excited. I will even make you dinner and do your laundry.

Dr. LaRisse Skene said...

I'd take up the offer on the laundry and dinner if I were you.

Oliver & Margy said...

I think Rebecca's right. Moving off the block? You might as well leave Manhattan. And I don't think you're ready for Utah yet, so you might as well just stay.