orthography: the conventional spelling system of a language including the symbols used and the rules for using those symbols.
e.e.cummings was known for his eccentric use of capitalization/punctuation. some scholars believe that when he signed his name without capitalization it was intended as a gesture of humility. my haphazzard application of conventional capitalization rules is nothing of the sort...not humility, not even a signature style.
the aversion is born strictly from laziness.
and i learned recently it may irk jason. we were joint drafting an email to friends and he suggested i use capitals. it's been so long that now to capitalize takes thought--that's probably reason enough to start up the habit again.
well...i admit it i am lazy. you see, rarely do i capitalize either. and it does bug me just a bit that word programs assume to capitalize "i". ie first person speaking. just i, nothing else. how's that for humility?!
This makes me laugh. I love discoveries of this nature--- And I side with Jason. I feel some strange loyalty to proper punctuation etc. It took me a long time to be comfortable with shortened words in text messaging. Perhaps it's not laziness for you, so much as confidence?
if i capitalize too many letters my pinky finger starts to hurt. in addition, capital letters (at least, at the beginning of a sentence) are somewhat redundant. if there is period, it's the end of the sentence. see, there's no need to capitalize. though, i admit, i don't like funky spelling in text messages.
Good point, though sometimes it's hard to arrive to definite conclusions
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