After 5 years of haircuts in random salons when the ends of my hair were so broken I couldn't even stand it up in a ponytail, I finally found a perfect hairdresser. Liliana has pulled me from the "just cut it straight along the bottom", no layers, nothing anywhere near my face boring look of days past**.
I'm not trying to paint a halo on Lil. There are things I don't love. For instance, she likes to blow my hair out all flouncy. She chats the entire time, while I'm trying to get my fill of free US Weekly. Yet overall she works quickly, prices are better than reasonable, and knows what she's doing (or at least exudes enough confidence to make me believe she does). And obviously I like the result.
I arrived at Lil via Pam. Dalton's receptionist extraordinaire, who knows the best restaurants, the best exhibits, and apparently the best hair dresser. Today on my way to lunch I commented on how nice Pam's hair looked, and quipped, "Just visit Lil?" She suddenly looked tres serious and said, " Haven't you heard?" And then as my jaw dropped she finished "Liliana has carpel tunnel...every appointment I've tried to make has been canceled." Carpel tunnel!?
So before I get a new do comparable to this...

does anyone have a hairdresser referral?
**Yes, I am fully aware that my current look isn't edgy. No blunt, dramatic bangs. No crazy colors. But for me, a few layers (they grow too fast to call them bangs) around my face was a substantial change.
i so feel your pain... my best hairdresser/bff just moved to california. what the crap do i do now? so while you are at it- if you get any good utah referrals pass them on to me.
and goodluck on the quest.
you always have beautiful hair, erica. and you had me ready to go to liliana by the end of your first paragraph - so sad! obviously i'm of no help on the hunt, but when you find her - let me know!
Sounds like I need to have a little food chat with Pam next time I'm out there.
this makes me laugh because we're more worried about the next stylist than about Lil's carpel tunnel. I mean, how will she support herself now? Let's start a fund, or something.
yeah... i have a great stylist - BUT SHE LIVES IN SALT LAKE. let's take a trip.
Ouch. That's awful. Poor Lil; Poor you. I have a great lady downtown and I know of another person up here. Will give you the recommendations. Your hair is always lovely though.
How about this...you move to Utah and i will think about telling you who i love!!!
ha ha ha. i just realized i posted that comment as john and not me. i bet john will love that. it is me that is sad about my hairdresser- not him.
i know... finding someone in the city is difficult. and now that i have graduated, i can no longer run down to the wig shop at juilliard for a $5 cut and style....
but i did just refer noelle to sparkle at the 74th and columbus dramatics. she's the best i've found yet in the city and such a hoot.
if you do find someone, please please post about her for the rest of us....
Emma at Alice Hair. Love her. 70th and 2nd Ave.
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