Tuesday, March 08, 2011


Me to Jason last night, "You won't believe what happened today. In the showcase showdown a woman bid 29,000 and the actual showcase price was $29,072. That's only $72 off so she won both showcases!"
I was watching the Price Is Right. I even recorded the end so I wouldn't miss the showcase showdown while I played with Stella.

Is Tivo-ing The Price Is Right typical 29 year old behavior?  The commercials advertising mobility chairs (complete with clips of a great-grandmother taking in the vistas of the Grand Canyon from their seats), Life Alert beepers, and free diabetic supplies seem to indicate that it is not.


Marci Joy said...

My brother texts me all the time: "are you watching the price is right right now!!?" love it.

noelle regina said...

oh my goodness she is so freakin cute i can't stand it.

dear buttons,
don't grow any bigger. i'm on my way (almost). did you get my postcard from spain?

love you,

Ashley said...

That is really funny. I didn't know you're only 29. Such a young thing.

Oliver & Margy said...

Any time I am home sick, I am sure to wake up at 11am to watch the price is right. And I always give Oliver updates like that too. I love the characters on that show! Just too funny.

Melissa said...

I love you Erica! You just made my day :)

Rebecca Smylie said...

The thing that caught me notice: you tivoed it so you could play with Stella. You are a good mom. I usually play with my children so I can watch TV.

Brad and Danielle said...

I watched that one too!!! The woman that lost, though, won tons of stuff in the show too. A new car, and $25,000 from spinning the wheel because she landed on $1 twice. CRAZY!

Sadder than you tivoing that, is that I remember almost the whole show. :)

Gardner's Compost said...

Do I see brown eyes and three teeth on the bottom?
What a doll!

Gardner's Compost said...

Oh, and probably a little green pea in her cute little fingers.
This makes me feel I am almost there - see you in a couple of weeks Stellie!

angelique said...

I would argue that Tivo-ing anything is typical 29-yr-old behavior - the people those commercials are aimed probably can't program a Tivo

LC. said...

cutest picture!