Thursday, March 17, 2011

Keeping It Real

Stella is not the happy ball of energy depicted on this blog all of the time.  This evening, actually, was hellacious.  Her mood may have been effected by both naps getting cut short or teething (blow outs, runny nose, clingy, cramming everything in her mouth, crying in her sleep).  Or it could be that she's an opinionated, determined little woman and didn't getting her way enough today.  
I'm praying it's the latter.  If I get time to read again, I am heading right to the parenting section for a book about raising a strong-willed child.  


RETTJ16 said...

It's amazing...she's even cute while angry and crying!! :)

Brad and Danielle said...

Oh boy, strong willed. Connor is just that way. They will get the better of you sometimes, but I keep telling myself it's a good trait that will serve them well later in life. Nothing will be too hard or out of reach. They will have enough will power to make it happen for 3 people 10 times over with all these years of practice.

Some days I look forward to those days...

Thanks for sharing. :)

auntie libby said...

strong willed is good and runs in both sides of the family i believe. how could she not be! just wait a few years and the ability to reason will set in. you cannot beat that combination!

just hoping it doesn't take 19 years to set in! :)

Melissa said...

I wonder where she would have gotten that strong will from Erica? And I was going to say the same thing as "RETTJ16"- she is adorable even when crying!

Emily Kate said...

A friend was just recommending the book "raising your spirited child" because Addie is such a spitfire! I really think she and Stella are BFFs. :)

Gardner's Compost said...

awwww.. I think she needs grandma G!