Friday, November 05, 2010

We LOVE Going to the Doctor

We went for Stella's 7 month check-up this morning.  Are you surprised that she had a 7 month appointment?  Yeah, well, so were some of my friends at playgroup.  Apparently after 6 months, most doctors ask you come back every three months (9, 12, 15, etc) and then the regular check ups slow down even more.  Hmmm.  I figured either...
A. my insurance company (and us) was getting swindled 
B. I have an extremely attentive pediatrician 

I was leaning towards B.  Turns out the answer is C-none of the above (or, in other words, the mother wasn't listening).  

So Stella was weighed, measured, examined, and injected a little ahead of schedule.  Dr. Larson saw her upper teeth starting to push through (which might explain why she fussed for an hour last night!) and admired her muscle development.  I continue to be in awe of how tall she is.  How tall, and how perfect.  Yesterday, I could have had 100 Stellas.

 Current Stats 
19 1/2 lbs (88%)
29 inches (99%)

Stella wore The Puff out yesterday.  It was almost cold enough.  It almost fit in the stroller.  I was in heaven.


Ashley said...

That is impressive! It would be fun to see her with Clive. I think she might be taller than him and he might be less than 19lbs. I better start feeding him more. :)

auntie libby said...

yup, stella pretty much is heaven!

noelle regina said...

i could love 100 more stellas. GET TO WORK.

Oliver & Margy said...

I'm totally with Noelle on this one. Bring on the Puff and the kids. We love Stella.

Gardner's Compost said...
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Gardner's Compost said...

Let me re-phrase that...
I know we could not get enough Stellas - she is just so perfect and loveable. Even if you don't have all Stellas you'll love them just the same. Just for the record - We could have had a 100 Jasons as well!

Rebecca Smylie said...

Hooray! Any time I see a baby that weighs a lot at a young age I do a little fist pump. Big babies can take better malaria medicine. See how I'm processing life these days? We miss you guys. And the little puff. I'm Noelle: GET TO WORK.

Melissa said...

Yaya for Stella! She is beautiful!