After a couple hours of ruling out things other than appendicitis, Erica was given a large bottle of nasty fluid for a CT scan of her abdomen to see if in fact her appendix was "thickened"
It is safe to assume that Erica was not a happy camper trying to put down the entire bottle of fluid.
This was Erica after the Dr. told her that in addition to drinking the fluid and recieving some intervensouly, additional fluid would be pumped into her abdomen through a "tube inserted rectally." She is not going to be happy that I am including this on the blog, but don't you think the reaction is classic? She tried reason and charm for an alternative, even including drinking more can ask her how it all turned out?

Literally as they are rolling Erica away to surgery I am standing in there in the prep room wondering where I am supposed to go. It was 3:30 am and the hospital was eerily empty. I asked the surgeon as she was leaving where I could wait. She sent me to the family waiting room. Can you see the picture above on the left. Family waiting room closed. I was tired, thirsty and hungry. Problem, vending machines were on the other side of the iron curtain. Being the problem solver that I am, I found other vending machines to quench my thirst. Concerned for Erica while in surgery, yes. Bored? Yes, as evidenced in the photos above.

On the Left: Erica post surgery, still not awake - but smiling.
Below: Erica in the GI Surgery unit with sister Angelique.

During all of this I couldn't help but think how lucky we are to be able to recieve medical care so readily. Despite the economic difficulties, Erica and I are both employed and insured. I think sometimes we take that for granted. Erica's doctors were great and we only had one grouchy nurse experience the entire time. Thanks to everyone that called, sent flowers and offered support to Erica. Although a fairly routine surgery, we are both grateful to have family and friends that care.