Friday, April 18, 2008

to blog or not to blog!

i can't decide if i feel like blogging anymore. how can that be?


Marci + Dan said...

I feel the same way my dear. I feel I'm on the verge of giving up...

The blog world would certainly understand if you threw in the towel. But we'd certainly miss seeing you at the click of a button.

john said...

please don't retire.

auntie libby said...

what! you best go eat some chocolate or something. it must just be a mood thing. you'll get over it i'm sure. there are probably some helpful meetings out there you could connect with to help you get over this slump. those who have recently joined the blogging world would most likely not be able to exist without our mentor blogger. i know it is a lot of pressure on you, but you can't give simply can't!

Ashley C. said...

look erica- you offer too much to the blogging world to up and quit. i need the life interpretation as put by you. really. it brightens my day and at times i have been brought to tears from laughing so hard. really all wordiness aside. i love your blog becuase whenever i feel like i need an erica fix i can hop online and feel like maybe nyc isnt so far away. dont leave.

Cori said...

K, well you quit blogging and I'll quit songwriting and we can disappear from ourselves and everyone else!
Seriously Erica, you have a gift for thinking, and for getting those thoughts down, and you MUST continue. Not just so we can all still feel connected with all these blasted miles between us, but also because you can print it all out in the end and I guarantee you in 30 years it will be interesting to you and your children.
My advice, for what it's worth, DO NOT QUIT...I repeat...DO NOT QUIT!

E.F.G. said...

thanks for the motivation for the connors/hansens! you guys really are the best. i'll just take a few deep breaths and another week or so off, dust myself off and get back to it.

Oliver & Margy said...

It'll be interesting to see what summer does to all of us and the blog-consistency. I vote we hang on - but feel no pressure to update until fall.

Gardner's Compost said...

Erica, you can't cut us would not like it if he had to start paying for therapy.