Tuesday, May 17, 2011

what a difference a day makes (and pictures)

Yesterday was hid.e.ous.  I started off sleep deprived.  Thanks to Stella's molars and Anton's dietary needs.  It was gray and drizzly.  There was nothing good to eat.  As in good for me.  So instead I filled myself up with lemon bars (delicious), pizza, diet coke, and ice cream.  You can imagine how that made me feel.  Stella was clingy and only took cat naps.  And Anton's squeally cries were particularly piercing. 
(teething is ugly but baby skinny jeans are stinkin' cute.  i realized how silly 
it was to make my poor baby wear jeans.  she was in stretchies by noon.)
And because I already hung the streamers for the pity party, I really went for it and lamented the fact that hand washing dishes devours my time.  That psoriasis is taking over my fingernails (yeah, that's as ugly as it sounds).  That my floors needed to be vacuumed.  It turns out seeing the glass half empty is quite time consuming.

Jason came home to a tired, cranky, frumpy, and mean wife.  I went to bed thinking that today could not possibly be as awful.  This morning Stella woke up thirty minutes earlier than usual and yanked on my leg to carry her.  I finally took out the ergo and just hauled her around.  We were off to a rocky start.  As he left, Jason told me he was sorry I had to do this again and that I was a good mom.  He was trying for a pep talk.

But then, Stella took a three hour nap.  I bathed the Prince and put him down for a nap.  Turns out what I needed more than that pep talk was a solid nap time. 
While they snoozed, I checked a handful of things of my to-do list AND sat at the counter enjoying a diet coke and magazine.  The babies both woke up happy and devoured lunch.  Anton was alert.  Stella was playful and energetic.  Then they went down at the same time for a second nap.  The rest of the day carried on like this.  I loved being around my children.  And I'm ending the day with The Biggest Loser, blogging and popcorn.

And there it is.  Some days are going to be off the chart terrible.  But not every day.  Some days will be like today.

Now for a few random pictures....  
No, Anton is not grasping yet.  There is a pacifier in his hand because his sweet sister put it there.  I realize allowing her to reign as keeper of the pacifiers could get ugly but at least she shares them. 

 Kissable cheeks.
 Stella in her Easter dress.
 Easter bathing suit.

Prince Charming.


noelle regina said...

you should have slept while they slept! you still have a aruban massage you need to go get bear. that might make you feel good too :)

love the pictures. sorry buttons is hurting.

Marci Joy said...

You are a great mom.

Melissa said...

I know all to well how you feel. Some days can be so overwhelming that if I'm not screaming I'm crying. But some days are so lovely. I love that Stella looks like Jason and Anton looks like you. I see SO much of your side of the family in little Prince Charming. And Stella's Easter dress is stunning! I really hope I get to see you this summer. I will get to NY on June 28th and be there for a couple of weeks. Kiss your babies for me :)

emily kate said...

Oh my cute. Love Stella's Easter dress. You are a ROCK STAR.

Rebecca Smylie said...

Well said Erica. Some days and then other days. Jane has the same dress as Stella, also, Jane is teething. Maybe we're not that far away.

Anton does look like a Nicolai. Is he really olive skinned? He looks olive skinned. How come I don't this kind of thing of myself!! It kills me. Ah, we are far away. pooh.

Gardner's Compost said...

Feeling your pain, feeling your joy. Way to keep perspective. There are pay days but mom's certainly earn them! Thanks for being such a great mom.

naomi megan. said...

erica, i don't doubt what a fabulous mother you must be. you were always so good with all those *sometimes crazy* kids in primary. i think those harder days make us appreciate the better ones. i'm learning that with eleanor and my bulldog who *acts* like a second child, but i know he technically isn't.

we miss you guys a lot. xo

Ashley C. said...

i loved this post. you are such a good writer and such a good mom. and i love that you love a diet coke and magazine as much as i do. its the little things right?? when they are all tucked in bed, and all is right in the world we can relax for a minute and feel like a human again. unneeded for just a minute. and then its okay to be needed again.

your cute kids are too die for. wish(for like the millionth time) that you guys didn't live so blasted far away. i would come do your dishes by hand and snuggle that baby. and stella could be entertained by my hooligans.

loves to you guys.