My feet, on a Saturday no less, have hit a new level of puffiness. Up until this point it's been ankles but today, that love spread all the way down to the toes.
And finally, topping the list of jobs I never want to do--a Starbucks barista. Perhaps if I knew more about coffee it wouldn't be as intimidating. I got uneasy watching the whirlwind as I waited in line for a hot chocolate this morning. (I also have avoided waitressing. Perhaps it has something to do with the extreme importance of food in our house growing up--no room for error.)
After numerous recommendation from respected sources, Jason and I dove into Friday Night Lights. Thanks to Noelle & Matt, we watched Seasons 1 and 2 in record time. It's like a 21st century Beverly Hills 90210 and we can not get enough of the ridiculous, high school heart-on-the-line Texas football. Is anyone willing and able to lend us Season 3? We can't wait to be caught up to real time!
You poor thing, that looks painful! Thank you for the thank you card. :)
oooh! john and i just got season one of friday night lights. i am excited!
and swollen ankles.. man, i had the most intense swollenness... ( is that a word?) i wore ted hose by the end of being prego with soph. ugly as sin but i swear they saved me...
goodluck. you are so darling!
You poor thing!! That looks so painful! At least your toes look beautiful (which is more than I can say about my feet). Maybe you can enlist some kindergartners to start rubbing them during the day. :)
Oh Erica! I am SO sorry! Your little piggies look so teeny. This'll all be over soon. I can't wait to meet her this summer! :) :) :)
those cinderblock toes look like they're going to burst. hope it's not painful. did you eat too much salt the night before???? (you've always been sensitive to salt)
did you order season 3 yet? we finished ours and can mail it to you...
Do you have a subscription to Netflix? Hurry and get one. You can stream all the episodes you want from there. Or at least until you get to season 4 at which point you will be stuck in real time. Which sucks.
And sorry for your feet. Does elevating them above heart level while Jason massages them while you watch FNL help?
Ouch! Throbbing feet! Your cuteness makes up for them.
Like I said, you are welcome to use my netflix password for season 3. It would make me feel better about having a subscription to something I hardly ever use. I am so sorry about the ankles. It does look a little painful to tell you the truth. I may have 9 months of naseau and ridiculous heartburn, but I guess this is one thing I can be grateful for. So, thank you for that. ;)
Oh your poor feet and toes! To answer your question from a while ago, my feet started swelling around 20 weeks but it was very mild. But by the last month, my feet and hands (who are we kidding, my whole body!) were pretty swollen all the time. Laying down overnight would help some, but MANY of my shoes no longer fit me because my feet were so huge! But they're completely back to normal now. Just hang in there - you will lose all your water weight within the first week after having your cute baby girl! It's very encouraging to see the number on the scale drop so quickly in the first week. I lost about 7 pounds my first week just from water weight - with no exercise at all!!
Hang in there!! You're almost done!!
Oh, your feet make me hurt! I am sorry! Let us know if you need anything! We love you guys!!
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