Thursday, February 07, 2008

fair according to erica

in response to a "that's not fair", i told one of my kiddos that i have an advanced degree in fair. if i did, i'd suggest some changes...

1. everyone gets a personal assistant. mine would handle all phone correspondence and do some of life's brunt work (dishes, post office trips, store returns, etc).
2. dirty hair would look clean--none of that tell-tale grease.
3. personality conflicts with medical professionals wouldn't exist.
4. 3 day weekends twice a month.
5. the writers would end their strike so we could all start enjoying the office again.
6. even in the chilly winter there would still be at least 11 hours of sunny, warming daylight (like today's).
7. thinking about exercise would burn actual calories.

now accepting suggestions...


Beth, Cody, Morgan, Pepper, Hazel said...

I think you did a good job covering the basics but I would add traveling would consist of wishing and dreaming equals reality. Also, health would be purely a state of mind!

Oliver & Margy said...

Ditto to the medical professional. Although I have to say, three day weekends should be standard - not just twice a month.

noelle regina said...

did you know that studies have been done which proves that people who think about burning calories and stretching, actually are more physically fit than those who don't imagine those activities? (they had to spend 30 minutes a day thinking about exercise)

Ashley C. said...

and diet coke should flow freely everywhere... oh if life were fair. Oh- And i would be skinny!

Rebecca Smylie said...

If life were fir, your kiddos wouldn't go to the school they go to, have the nanny they have, go on the vacations they have, etc. But who am I kidding, if life were fair I'd be in for a sudden down-grade myself. (Not because I'm rich, I now realize how that sounds)