On July 26th Stellie rolled for the first time and ever since has been refining her technique.

1. lay on back--look around
2. lift legs and grab feet

3. try not to become distracted with getting toes into mouth
4. tip over to the side

5. in side position, munch fingers for a little while (amount of time depends on how much noise mom & dad are making)
6. rotate shoulder towards the ground, hips and legs should follow, and voila, roll accomplished.
Occasionally Stella's roll isn't so graceful and we find her stuck, arms pinned under her. Being the attentive mother that I am, I immediately (after a quick picture or two) pull her arms out for her and prop her up. This week her PT encouraged me to let her struggle a little to get her arms out. What? You mean don't rush right over at the first sign of discomfort. I'm already on the road to making her bed every morning and doing her science projects for her. So much to learn.