Monday, March 12, 2012

A Moment the life of a two year old.
and to stella, every endeavor is a serious endeavor.
we are often told, "i do it." and "no, i got it." 
"shhhhtop." and "no." 
but the best are the shrieks of, "i did it." 

 she dashed around the house, huffing and puffing, examining her shoes, finding the "just right" spot to figure this mystery out.  
and when she did, oh boy!  "i did it! i did it!"  then she jumped around, pausing to look at her feet, showing anyone who would cheer, and now the practicing.  heaven help me, the practicing. 


Britney said...

Way to go Stella! I'm seriously impressed.

Britney said...
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auntie libby said...

Yay for Stella. I'm sending lots and lots of flaps

auntie libby said...

That's claps!!!!!

noelle regina said...

you find me another not even 2 year old who identifies a pair of matching shoes, steals away to a secret spot, laboriously figures out how to put them on (the RIGHT FEET), and then has the self awareness to ask others to cheer for her ... and guess what ... you just found the second smartest kid on the planet.

"stella put your shoes on, you're a big girl now!"