Friday, October 07, 2011

Jason edited my last blog post...

Or in other words, he isn't sure what I can blog about his new position.
Or in other, other words, he suggested making our blog private.  !

I am totally not a private person.  Don't get me wrong, I understand it.  But I find myself terribly disappointed when clicking from blog to blog and I'm thwarted by a private one. I don't want to be that blog.

While we decide, I'll just link to the government website.
That must be permitted, right?  Jason's New Job.


Ashley said...

That is the same reason we're private. I don't like it either. What things we do for our husbands careers. :)
Anton is unbelievably adorable! I love that nakie picture! They are really sweet together.

emily kate said...

Thank you so much for not going private. Seriously. :)

Ashley said...

Seriously hate being private...BUT when interviewers would ask about things only someone who saw our blog could know, it was time to do it. Not that anyone cares about my silly life, but it's crazy what a simple web search can dig up. MISS you!!