Thursday, September 01, 2011

Did You Really Ask That?

In the past week, three people have asked me if Anton and Stella are twins.  My responses are kind.  But, honestly?  Twins?  As in born at the same time?  I'm working on being more understanding.  After all they are both babies.

Then I opened my iPhoto to export a shot of them together (basically impossible to catch) and found these pictures. 

3/31/11 ~4:00.  I hoped to wear make-up for this birth.  Maybe even do my hair.  I was lucky to make it to the hospital.  

4/2/11 ~6:00
Stella's first birthday party.  

My prediction is that in a very short time (a year?) we'll be asked if they are twins at least once a week.


Oliver & Margy said...

My brother and I are 15 months apart, and we were asked about being twins all the time. The worst was that I was younger, but bigger than my brother from ages 10-14. Stella shouldn't ever feel bad if she is bigger than Anton, since she is indeed older! They are adorable kids.

Oliver & Margy said...

PS- you look awesome in these pictures. You make pregnancy and motherhood look easy.

Marci Joy said...

Same story w/ my bro. and I. You should probably just say yes.

sterlingandbrandi said...

I get asked if Lily and Finn are twins A LOT and they are 2 and half years apart! Pretty sure you can count on it for a long time, maybe forever.

Gardner's Compost said...

Perfect Erica.....nice blog. Could your blessed abundance of children who look no where close to being twins get any cuter? I don't think so and then you post another blog and it's a new kind of cute all over again. Oh how sweet it is to be their GG.