Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Ms. Gardner at 33 weeks.  Currently nameless, although we call her "Bun."   A little hefty.  Not showing signs of hair.  Constantly flickering around in her too-tight space--unless we're at the doctor, then she prefers to be very still and feign distress.  Enjoys cucumbers, Big Macs and mint ice cream (ok, maybe that's mom).  Can't wait to try on all of her new shoes!

For the record, we have no idea what is on the right side of her face.  And Jason thinks her nose looks like mine,  I think it looks like my Aunt Antoinette's (ugh). 


noelle regina said...

it does look like aunt antoinette's! now you have to name her paulette or whatever you promised.

but, she is cute. even with the alien hand over half of her face.


Ashley C. said...

oh my goodness she is so cute!!! can't wait to meet that little one! :) soooooo cute!!!! so exciting!!!

Beth, Cody, Morgan, Pepper, Hazel said...

So fun to see a sneak preview of your little one. Those 3D pics always kind of freak me out but this one is actually clear and cute. We are so excited to see all of you in a few weeks and check out your baby bump in person!

The Mendenhall Clan said...

btw....i hate baby shoes. they are annoying and jaxson always pulls them off before he gets wherever we r going. don't get me wrong they are adorable but also a pain in the you know what!!!!

Melissa said...

What an amazing picture! You must be so excited! And she does look hefty. Do they have an estimate on what she might weigh right now?

E.F.G. said...

Melissa, I hope in the future my darling daughter forgives me talking about her weight and publicly posting her stats. Last week she was supposed to weigh around 4 lbs, and they measured her at 5 3/4 lbs. This means she is not staying in the oven for 40 weeks, which does NOT break my heart! A 6 lb baby is a fully cooked baby as far as I can tell.

Emily Kate said...

What a cutie!! We hadn't anticipated having a 3D ultasound and then ended up having one after all. It was SO incredibly cool to see her face. Makes it seem real, doesn't it? (Not that it doesn't seem real when she's doing backflips in my belly, but you know sometimes it seems like an alien instead of a baby.)

coriconnors said...

Oh my, she is beautiful!

RETTJ16 said...

Those pictures are amazing!!!! She is already beautiful!! Can't wait to meet her!!