Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Where Do I Even Begin

with blogging, like so many other things in life, it's easier to maintain momentum than to get back in the swing of things. but swing i must. lurking in blog world, a non-poster but regular reader, is starting to feel like stalking. my cute sister alluded that "people" wouldn't keep checking to see if i decided to post. before the gardners get knocked off the "blogrolls", here i am. i have some time on my hands and i may even have something to say.

one quick story...
last thursday i headed over to dalton to sub in "discovery" (summer camp science). despite my recent attempt at budgeting, actually pre-budgeting, the down pour justified a few bucks on a cab. like many days over the past year i hop in a gypsy cab, arrive at 91st and 5th, hand up my $20, wait with the door open and one foot on the sidewalk for $13 change, and then dash to school. nothing unusual. at 11:45, a friend and i went out to grab lunch. i hand the cashier a $10 for my slice of pizza and diet coke, and she starts feeling it and looking at the bill funny. at this point, i'm thinking "oh i get it, first day on the job and she just wants to be thurough." then she calls someone over and they're now holding it up to the light and speaking to each other in hushed tones. foot tap, medium sigh, still thinking this is nuts...and then they take out another ten and do a side-by-side for the girl who still wasn't getting it. ta-da totally fake. a little waxier, missing some markings, no strip inside. what!? that cab driver handed my a falsie. bogus and i didn't even know to be suspicious. my friend lent me $10 and my day went on, but i can't help shake my head every time a gypsy cab passes me on the street. it is going to be a LONG time until i trust one of them again.

a post with pictures is coming soon...


RETTJ16 said...

Welcome back,...we have missed you!!! (ps...thanks for the cute card!!)

Rebecca Smylie said...

Welcome back. indeed. I was sure the woman at the pizza store felt uncomfortable because it was a hundred, not a ten. Dang. My ending would have been way better.

Tyler and Stacy: said...

Yea you made another post!! I thought this story was funny because the same thing happened to me when we went to Vancouver. I tried to use a $20 bill at this observation deck (very similar the the space needle here) and they wouldn't accept my money. But then I tried to use it again at the McDonalds and they took it. So hang onto it, someone is bound to take it sooner or later.

naomi megan. said...

welcome back. we've missed you.

Ashley C. said...

yeah!!!! welcome back. we missed you in the blog world and we continue to miss you in the real world. at least we can connect in the blog world for now....

Oliver & Margy said...

So glad to see you're back and blogging. I must admit, I did stop checking it regularly... And a bogus 10 bucks is definitely worth blogging about.