Sunday, November 11, 2007

Not just a duvet

while working on our wedding registry, jason and i were frequently swayed by floor models. something about seeing a particular house hold item displayed, made it even more appealing. such was the case with our bedding and duvet cover. the creamy faux fur tucked in perfectly with brown creamy accents was irresistible. what we didn't realize that sleeping under all those synthetic fur fibers, as pretty as it may be, would be HOT. i'll not air the details that came with that...

we (mostly me) decided it was time for a new duvet cover so we could enjoy a not too hot and not too cold winter; and finally start using our down comforter that has been folded up in the corner for months. perfection was found in a blue paisley duvet with a hint of orange, coordinating wonderfully with our orange wall and the accent pillows we already own.

this is how the new bed looks...and a close up of the pattern.

our bed is so comfortable and being able to snuggle the down comforter without sweating helps. but maybe i should give due credit to the duvet, perhaps the claim on the packaging is correct. it states "slip under the new Luxe duvet and jaunt off to an exotic spot every evening when you surround yourself with this elegantly subtle paisley pattern in rich sky hues." wow. this is not just a duvet!

1 comment:

naomi megan. said...

Is this the duvet you were talking about Erica? It's beautiful. And--side note-- I put up the Burger Joint photos if you wanna see them!! They're great!