Wednesday, September 05, 2007


we'd had some startling evidence of rodent invaders. last week in a flurry of looking for something under the bed, i found a gift torn to shreds. just a small hole actually but the contents were shredded. my mil made me a soothing, heating pack. i loved it. i would pop it in the mircowave for 2-3 minutes on chilly nights, wrap it around me or simply snuggle it up next to me. apparently it dropped from the bed one night several months ago and i didn't recognize the urgency in picking it up. you may be asking yourself why a mouse would chew into it? this snuggle sack retained warmth because it was full of corn kernels. obviously not the popping kind. my jaw dropped when i found it. through a hole the size of a nickle, the little enemy had eaten through nearly all the contents of the bag. another irritating fact, since the nibbled kernels were strewn on the floor, it was dining in our bedroom! disgusting! i know. i should be too humiliated to tell this tale. i hope our friends will still come over.

second offense: we returned from out fabulous long weekend in seattle to find a few little black droppings on the stove and even one in the tub! this is the first time we've ever seen this in our apartment. mouse feces...disgusting!

aside from this corn incident, we're clean people! of course we occasionally leave the bathroom a few days too long in between cleanings but we work hard to make sure there isn't food out or other pest attractions. i also know this is new york city, a few vermin are to be expected. perhaps, but i can't accept it! i want to wage all out war. actually i want jason to do it. there's that damsel thing again.

we'll keep you posted.


nikki said...

I had a bit of a rodent problem in my old apartment on 46th street. I noticed his presence when I found a bunch of Clif bars half eaten that were in the closet. I couldn't seem to get rid of him (them) and after a while I just sort of accepted their presence. But then we pulled out the mousetraps and lured them in with Clif Bars. It worked. Good luck.

Unknown said...

Ick. That's def worthy of a damsel in distress moment.

We're fighting gnats and mosquitos here. Not fun either.

Tyler and Stacy: said...

This is unrelated to your rodent problem, but I just wanted to let G know that Pela is playing the Bowery again next month. Tickets go on sale tomorrow, you should seriously try and go.

Beth, Cody, Morgan, Pepper, Hazel said...

Cody and I had issues in our first apt here as well. We lived in a new apt in an old building so we could here rats in the walls running and chewing. It was disgusting and very unnerving. We got used to always taking out the food trash at night and keeping most open things, like bread and crackers, in the fridge. I also have one of those corn bean bags and will be sure to keep it safe now since I hadn't thought of that being a problem. I wish you the best of luck.

Unknown said...

well then I'll quietly insert that it's not your fault, it's your building and I think the woman who lives below us is vacating. I'm putting an email in about it right now. The patter of Smylie feet will is less annoying than mice, right?

Gardner's Compost said...

Erica, now I know what to put in your stocking this corn bag oughta fill that baby right up.
I always thought I was a pretty clean housekeeper - they came anyway. I now refuse to give in to Meg's out of control cravings for Top Ramen when I am shopping - (the favorite cuisine at our house for the rodents). We tried and tried all kinds of traps - no luck. All of a sudden all evidence of their invasion disappeared. I wonder where they went... on second thought, maybe you don't want a new corn bag after all.